Home Economics

The Home Economics Department plays an integral part of the life of St. Louis Grammar School. The department offers courses across the key stages. The department has three rooms, all of which have interactive whiteboards and a range of Home Economics equipment.

Aims of the Home Economics Department in St. Louis Grammar School

In St. Louis Grammar School, Home Economics is designed to develop in our pupils the knowledge, understanding skills and competences which will improve their quality of life. It is made available to all pupils at KS3 and as an option at KS4 and A Level.

The aims of the Home Economics Department are to:

  • help pupils to understand and appreciate the role of the home and family as they relate to the development on the individual and society;
  • develop pupil’s understanding of the physical, emotional, intellectual and aesthetic needs of themselves and others which change throughout the life cycle;
  • increase pupils awareness of how needs can be met, making best use of available resources;
  • develop the critical thinking and decision-making capacity of pupils on matters relating to the home and family;
  • to enable pupils to achieve their maximum potential through the public examinations - GCSE and A Level;
  • to involve and inform pupils and parents with regard to a pupils educational progress and arising concerns.


Mrs M Grant (Head of Department)

Mrs M Dillon

Mrs C Marron

Mrs S McGinn

Mrs K McVey


Mrs S Keenan