Modern Languages

The Modern Languages Department in St Louis is an active department and we enjoy a high rate of success in external examinations. Pupils learn Irish and French or Spanish in Years 8 to 10 and can then choose to continue one or both languages at GCSE, AS or A2 level.

The aims of the Modern Languages Department are:

  • to develop the ability to use French/Irish/Spanish in everyday situations through the communication skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing;
  • to develop an awareness of the nature of language;
  • to create an atmosphere in which pupils' experience of learning Irish and French/Spanish will be enjoyable and successful;
  • to stimulate an interest in the culture and civilisation of France and French-speaking countries/Ireland/Spain and Spanish-speaking countries;
  • to develop an awareness in the pupil of his own identity within Ireland/Europe and to encourage a respect for Irish and other European cultures and traditions;
  • to ensure a high level of academic achievement, as well as transferrable skills, to equip the pupil for their future;
  • to contribute to the personal and social development of each pupil.

All our staff members are committed to achieving the highest of standards and to making language learning an enjoyable, interactive and rewarding experience. Our Language Assistants, who work with our students in Senior school, bring the language and culture alive and give pupils the opportunity to practise their language skills in a more realistic and informal setting.

Of those pupils taking A Level Languages the majority proceed to university, entering a wide range of disciplines including degree courses where they combine their language with those disciplines (e.g. Law/Accountancy/Business etc.), as well as traditional courses in French/Irish/Spanish Language and Literature.

All our year 10 Irish students work extremely hard towards receiving their Silver Fáinne and our 6th form students towards the Gold Fáinne. We are also very proud to have achieved the prestigious ‘Gaelbhratach’ award, a symbol of excellence in Irish language promotion and are honoured to be the first English-medium Grammar School to have been awarded this in County Antrim.

Extra Curricular Activities

Pupils participate in a range of extra-curricular activities to enrich their formal language learning in the classroom:

  • KS3 language clubs / Cumann Lughaidh – students participate in a range of activities outside the classroom in the target language eg. games, creative crafts, drama, songs or they actively promote the language throughout school.
  • Spelling Bees
  • Year 10 pupils thoroughly enjoy participating in the annual Gael Linn quiz, giving them an opportunity to engage with the Irish language on various topics and meet Irish language learners from different schools across the country. Pupils especially enjoy the music round where they can volunteer their karaoke skills!
  • We have a successful association with Gael Linn's Abair Public Speaking competition, where 11-14 pupils discuss topical issues, such as Gaeilge. Many of our pupils have reached Ulster finals and enjoy speaking publicly in their second, sometimes third, language!
  • A level essay writing competitions
  • Franco/Hispanofest – year 10 French/Spanish pupils see how language skills are used practically in the world of business and tourism. Whilst using their knowledge of French/Spanish in a ‘real-life’ situation to sell a product or promote a region in France, they increase their confidence and develop their interpersonal skills and ability to work in a team.
  • Many of our Irish language students attend the Gaeltacht in June/July, where they are motivated and inspired by this contact with the living language. Additionally, our year 11-14 Irish students participate in an Irish immersion trip to the Gaeltacht in Term 1, where they are immersed in the language whilst taking part in various language learning, cultural and sporting activities.
  • Our French/Spanish students often have the opportunity to take part in educational trips to France/Spain, where they experience the language and culture first hand.
  • European Day of Languages/Seachtain na Gaeilge (Irish language week) – we run a series of events throughout this period e.g. quizzes, talks, language taster lessons, a céilí etc.
  • We host visits from Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta, Conradh na Gaeilge throughout the year and often have past pupils in to speak to our students

Gaeilge 24


Mrs J Fleming (Head of Department)


Miss A O’Brien

Mrs M Campbell

Mrs M McPhilomey

Mrs C Ní Chnaimhsí


Miss C Glavin

Mrs M McPhilomey

Mrs J Fleming