Catholic Ethos

Prayer life is very important in St Louis and every day begins with our school prayer. We have class Masses as well as whole school masses and have special liturgies throughout the school year especially throughout the seasons of Advent and Lent. Our Christmas term ends with our annual Carol Service where members of the local community visit the school for this event.

School Prayer

Good morning Lord, thank you for this brand new day. Give me the wisdom to see its possibilities, the strength to face its challenges and the grace to be open to its promise. Give me your heart of love to do a favour, speak a kindness, offer a hand, soothe a hurt, share a sorrow, or in some small way give of myself in love to another in your name. Amen.


Pupils take ownership of Assemblies and use this time to teach each other about special Saints’ days, liturgical times of the year, or simply about how to live as a good Christian!


What lies at the very heart of being a good Catholic is living out the words of Jesus to love God and to love our neighbour. We, in St Louis, put our words into actions and actively take part in various charitable endeavours for example the annual Shoebox Appeal, the annual Trocáire fast, the Catholics Caring Appeal and fundraising for Cancer Research etc.

School Trips

Every year St Louis pupils and staff travel to Romania in order to have the opportunity to put our faith into action.

Extra Curricular Activities

In St Louis we value time spent together working together or individually in nurturing the gifts and talents given to us by God. We do this in a number of endeavours in school.