Pastoral Care

Pastoral Team

The St Louis Pastoral Care Team is made up of:

Mrs J O’Neill (Principal & Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection)

Mrs B McGreevy (Vice Principal, Head of Pastoral Care and Designated Teacher for Child Protection)

Mrs K Toner (Head of Year 8 and Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection)

Mrs E Casey (Head of Year 9)

Miss S McCann (Head of Year 10)

Mrs A Blacker (Head of Year 11)

Mr N McNicholl (Head of Year 12)

Mrs J Doherty (Head of Year 13)

Mrs J Doherty (Head of Year 14)

Ms A Logan (Learning Support Co-ordinator)

Ms A O'Brien (Targeted Mentoring)

Mr G McCorley (Targeted Mentoring)

Safeguarding & Child Protection

If you have concerns regarding Safeguarding or Child Protection, the procedure to follow is outlined below:

Name Role
Mrs B McGreevy Designated Teacher for Child Protection
Mrs K Toner/Mrs J O’Neill/Mrs J Doherty Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection

Pastoral Information

Learning Support Co-ordinator

The inclusive, child-centred environment of St Louis Grammar School endeavours to provide and implement a variety of learning support measures to meet the needs of learners, including those with Special Educational Needs so that they can overcome barriers to learning. Special Educational Needs is a multi-faceted concept and within St Louis the Learning Support Co-Ordinator will outline provision which will be implemented at a whole school level to meet the academic, physical, emotional and social needs of all pupils.

Learning Support within St Louis provides the framework for the whole school to assume responsibility for inclusion matters and ensures accessibility to all areas of the curriculum. Students with Special Educational Needs are assisted in accessing the curriculum through whole class provision, in-class support and some withdrawal provision for both Literacy and Numeracy. Communication with students and parents/guardians is vital to assessing, monitoring and reviewing the progress of our students with additional needs.

Students with additional learning needs may also require access arrangements for internal and external examinations. The Learning Support Co-Ordinator and the Examinations Officer will work closely with class teachers to determine appropriate provision to ensure all students have equal opportunities when completing examinations.

The Learning Support Co-Ordinator will work closely with Learning Support assistants to deliver high quality SEN provision to enable all students to flourish.

Counselling Service

Students have access to a range of support and counselling services at St Louis Grammar School. Links Counselling provide counselling services within school on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Pupils can make referrals through their Head of Year, through our referral box within school and through our online worry box. Students/parents can also make a referral here.

Hugo MacOscar is also available in school every Monday. Working for Life Well N.I. Hugo is a qualified, accredited counsellor, and a trained Spiritual Director. Referrals can be made through the relevant Head of Year or through the school Worry Box

School Council


St Louis Ballymena’s motto "Ut Sint Unum” that we may all be one, reinforces our St Louis family value system and family centred approach to education. This motto also highlights our belief in the importance of Student Voice within our school. St Louis dedication to involving our students in our decision making process; contributes to this motto on a daily basis.

The aim of the School Council in St Louis Grammar Ballymena is to encourage all pupils to play an active, conscious,democratic role in their school community.


"A Student Council is a representative structure for students only, through which they can become involved in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with school management, staff and parents for the benefit of the school and its students”

(The following Vision statement has been created by School Council members)

Through the school Council it is our vision to:

  • Develop confident and articulate students who are willing and able to speak up about their ideas, and work together to put ideas into action
  • Good behaviour from students who are proud of their school and what it achieves
  • Students that are keen to learn and take responsibility for aspects of their learning
  • Improved learning and teaching (teachers who give students a say on their learning are more flexible, adaptable and able to meet the needs of students)
  • A happy and cohesive school community that raises aspirations for students at the school
  • Positive relationships between students and staff
  • Develop and evolve to meet the needs of all students and develop new strategies that encourage all students to submit ideas and opinions

We believe:

  • All students should feel safe, involved, happy, confident, belonging, valued, comfortable, challenged, and motivated
  • That the council should involve students from each year group, both boys and girls and should value the opinion of all its members and all pupils in the whole school community; representing everyone equally regardless of gender, age or background

Through our vision and beliefs we aim to work towards our school community’s shared goals and aspirations and promote excellence, endeavour and empowerment.

More Able, Gifted or Talented

In St Louis we are committed to meeting the individual learning needs of all students. This includes providing for those who are More Able, Gifted or Talented in a particular area. We aim to present pupils with work that challenges, stretches and excites them, in an environment that celebrates excellence and success in all subject areas.

“Gifted” learners are those who have abilities in one or more subjects in the statutory school curriculum other than art and design, music and PE. Their abilities would mean that these pupils achieve, or have the potential to achieve, at a level significantly in advance of their age related expectations. Pupils who are identified as Gifted are those who have ability data that puts them in the top 5% of the year group.

“Talented” learners as those who have abilities in art and design, music, PE, or performing arts such as dance and drama. The school may also identify gifted and talented students as those who are advanced in relation to the average student within the class and as such need additional support.

We also identify and support the “More Able” learners in our school community. Those who are More Able will be or will have the potential to be high ability learners in the classroom and outside the classroom. These pupils perform consistently at the top of the year group in an academic subject. Each subject area will have their own criteria for identification of More Able pupils. Generally, the top 10% of the year group in a particular subject area will be classed as More Able.

Educational provision for More Able, Gifted and Talented pupils is a combination of differentiation, enrichment, extension and acceleration that occurs as both in-class support and out-of-school support. Some of the enrichment activities offered outside of class to our More Able, Gifted and Talented pupils:

  • Creative writing competitions including 'Young Writers' and BBC 2-minute tales.
  • Soroptimist public speaking competition
  • Chemistry, Biology and Physics Olympiad
  • Intermediate and Senior Maths Challenges
  • Eco- Club
  • Pope John Paul II Award
  • All Star Trials
  • Junk Kouture
  • Ballymena Festival
  • Francofest & Hispanofest
  • Gaeltacht
  • NI Schools Business Challenge QUB

Investor in Mental Health Award

St Louis Grammar School’s commitment to promoting positive mental health has resulted in the school being awarded with an Investor in Mental Health Award!

Investors in Mental Health is an initiative from AWARE, the Depression Charity for Northern Ireland, that recognises and celebrates individuals, schools and organisations making significant contributions to improving mental health within their field.

AWARE will annually recognise “Investors in Mental Health” and make a presentation to organisations or individuals. The award will take the form of a framed certificate and permission to use the Investors in Mental Health logo.

Gambling and Gaming

Drug and Alcohol Services


ParentlineNI are #inyourcorner, to talk about anything you are experiencing as a parent. There are no waiting lists, just a supportive, confidential space to help and support you. Find contact information here.

Attendance Information


SHOUT is a free, confidential 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone struggling to cope.

Parental Controls Booklet

Online safety is more important than ever. Please read this Parent Online Safety booklet, which includes an overview of key parental controls. This may be useful in protecting your child from online harm.

Young Carers

If you feel your child is a Young Carer and is in need of support then please inform the school and refer your child to a support service such as Barnardo’s by clicking here.

Our pastoral team are very happy to help with the referral and we will put in place support for your child.

Young Carers' Services NI


Kinship Care NI

Family Support Hubs

A Family Support Hub is a multi-agency network of statutory, community and voluntary organisations that provide early intervention services, or work with families who need support. There are currently 29 Family Support Hubs in operation covering ALL of Northern Ireland.

What do Family Support Hubs do ?

Family support hubs support access to early intervention family support services for families and children/young persons aged up to 18 years.

A Family Support Hub is a multi-agency network of statutory, community and voluntary organisations that provide early intervention services, or work with families who need support.

The network accepts referrals and uses their knowledge of local service providers to signpost families with specific needs to an appropriate service.

What do they do?

The specific purpose of hubs is as follows:

• To improve access to early intervention family Support services by matching the needs of referred families to family support providers

• To improve coordination of early intervention family support services by creating a collaborative network of community, voluntary and statutory providers

• To improve awareness of early intervention family support services

• To assess the level of unmet need for early intervention family support services and inform the Trust Outcomes Group. Hubs coordinate existing statutory/community and voluntary services.

Text a Nurse

Anti Bullying Information