Work Related Experiences

The Work Placement Programme for students at St Louis GS is one of the most common links between schools and industry.

The broad aims of work experience are to enable each student to gain:

a better understanding of the realities of the world of work

greater insights into the actual work qualifications and training required

experience of taking part in an adult environment

increased motivation to school work - the relevance of the curriculum in the world of work

increased awareness of the role of legislation in the workplace e.g. Health & Safety

Each student will be involved with one employer. It is their task to visit employers with whom they would like to work, and get their permission as well as finding out all the necessary information regarding the type of job they will be undertaking, hours of work, routine etc.

Before each student begins the scheme they are instructed on what is expected during work experience and the importance of health safety at work. All students are required to complete an online form that will provide appropriate information and paperwork to the employer and the student’s parents before engaging on a work placement.

Students apply for work placement opportunities through an app called ‘Cognito’. This allows the process and communication between the student, employer and parents to be paperless where the communication is through emails.

All students are encouraged to engage in 3 days of work placement in June in Year 13