Given the rapidly changing world of the local and global economy, the demands of working life are constantly changing too. Consequently, the challenges facing our young school-leavers require them to be competent, skilled and effective in making decisions that enable them to take their place as confident contributors to society.

Schools have a statutory duty to provide careers education and to give students access to quality careers information, advice and guidance.

Departmental Objectives:
To outline the school’s role and responsibility in providing a co-ordinated and detailed CEIAG programme for all its students, throughout Key Stages 3, 4 and 5.

To ensure that all statutory requirements placed on the school are fully met.

To outline a programme of careers education and guidance offered at each key stage and to identify the responsibilities of who delivers the programme and the role of the Head of CEIAG in co-ordinating overall delivery.

To ensure that each subject department recognises its responsibility in incorporating careers education and guidance into its schemes of work and provides opportunities for each student to make connections between the subject area and career opportunities.

To ensure that the school meets the individual career guidance needs of all its students and that it recognises that particular arrangements are in place to meet the educational needs of students with a special educational need and who are also gifted and talented.

To identify the role of external organisations and local employers in supporting and providing careers guidance and information and workplace opportunities to enable students to make relevant, reliable and informed choices about career opportunities.

At St Louis Grammar School, the aim of the CEIAG Department is “to empower young people to achieve their potential, to make informed responsible decisions throughout their lives and consequently make a contribution to society, the economy and the environment.”
(DENI ‘Preparing for Success’)

CEIAG Learner Entitlement is delivered through the five core components of the CEIAG programme:

  • Careers Education (Timetabled)
  • Careers Advice and Guidance
  • Careers Information
  • Work Related Learning
  • Development of Employability Skills

The details of these will be outlined below:

Careers Education

A taught, timetabled careers education programme incorporating a programme of curriculum activities and learning experiences allow students at St Louis Grammar School to develop the knowledge and skills they need to make successful choices, manage transition in learning and move into work through:

Self Development – students understand themselves and the influences upon them, how they make decisions and whether the skills they have equip them for employment.

Career exploration – students investigate opportunities in learning and work – the many and various choices they have after school – to select the most suitable route for them and the sort of career path which would suit them.

Career management – students learn to make and adjust plans to manage change and transitions – they are flexible and can meet changing demands, and build on skills they have.

Careers Advice and Guidance

This is the provision of planned opportunities for high quality impartial, learner-centred careers advice and guidance, to assist students in making appropriate career decisions. Guidance usually involves the exploration of young people’s circumstances - their ideas, values, needs and beliefs in relation to opportunities or issues that are confronting or confusing them.

This means that, at St Louis Grammar School, the CEIAG Department plays an important role in:

  • helping a student understand and interpret information

  • providing information and answering questions

  • clarifying misunderstandings

  • understanding the student’s circumstances, abilities and targets

  • advising students on their options or how to go about a given course of action, and

  • identifying needs and signposting or referring students for a further career meeting or to the Careers Service NI as for more in-depth guidance and support.

Advisory work is usually provided on a one-to-one basis but may also be provided in small or class groups.

Careers Information

This is the availability of a broad range of relevant and up-to-date high quality careers information to inform students on career planning and the availability of data on opportunities. Labour Market Information (LMI) is available in different formats e.g. written and printed materials, ICT software and websites, which are available to the students.

Other careers information can be obtained from:

  • Publications from Job Sectors Skills
  • Guest speakers

  • Visiting faculties from universities

  • Visiting representatives from Scottish / English universities

  • Visits to careers fairs and conventions

  • University Open Days

  • Employability events as they arise

Work-related Learning Experiences

Work-related learning includes opportunities for planned and appropriate experiences about the world of work. These experiences aim to increase students’ motivation, develop their employability skills and give relevance to their learning programme.

Preparation for Interviews

When pupils from Year 12 to Year 14 are called to an interview, they may book a time to speak with the Head of CEIAG and/or Mrs Anne Kearney to discuss their preparation for the interview. They may also book a time to attend a mock interview.

Also, depending on the course applied to via UCAS, Year14 students may require an interview as part of their application to university. Throughout the year, a number of workshops are organised and delivered including:

  • Early Applications Workshop

  • Allied Health Workshop

  • Nursing Workshop

  • Social Work Workshop

  • Teaching Workshop

  • Pharmacy Workshop

  • Physiotherapy Workshop

  • MMI Evening

  • Ongoing one-on-one interviews

Development of Employability Skills

This is provided in all subject areas by providing the students with opportunities to develop their Thinking Skills and Capabilities and develop their Cross Curricular skills in Communication, ICT and Numeracy.

This is carried out by:

  • Promoting awareness and experiences of the range of skills employers require

  • Using active methodologies

  • Promoting awareness of transversable skills to other contexts.

As well as the skills and capabilities necessary for employability, aptitudes and dispositions such as personal responsibility, curiosity, concern for others, community spirit, self-belief, flexibility, tolerance, commitment, respect and integrity are developed throughout the whole curriculum.

The NI Curriculum at KS3 enhances the development of these skills as has the statutory requirements of Education for Employability at KS3 and KS4. In Y13 and Y14 the school Extra-Curricular/Enrichment programme and experiences of work also allows for the development of these skills.