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NI Schools Business Challenge

5th March 2025

On the 19th February myself and my fellow Year 13 classmates Belle, Kevin, Blaithin, Dearbhla, Amelia, Ailbhe, Minnie, Ben, Robert, Matthew and Oisin had an exciting opportunity to participate in the NI Schools Business Challenge at Queens Management school. In our groups we were tasked with presenting our recommendations back to an expert judging panel comprising of Directors from Henderson Group, BDO NI and lecturers from the QUB Business school. The task involved a case study based on the Henderson group, advising them on ways to improve their management, and finances and analysing potential acquisitions and short-, medium- and long-term effects on the business. The aim of this challenge is to “support the NI Business Studies curriculum whilst facilitating the development of pupil's business skills and knowledge in an enjoyable and interactive forum.” We worked tirelessly during our free time, after school and over lunch times. It was a great opportunity to develop our research, collaboration and problem-solving skills whilst meeting new people and learning more about Queens Business school and the different courses they offer.

-Daria Year 13